Birds Photographed on Jan. 15th, a few miles SW of Ajo.

Gilded Flicker, a new one for this trip. Separated from hybrid Northern Flickers by the cinnamon cap and the black undertail.

At first I thought this was going to be the best shot I got, then the flicker flew down on this branch
at nearly ground level and provided a nearly full frame image!!!

As I was working on the Gilded Flicker, I realized that a pair of Gila Woodpeckers were working on a cavity in a saguaro right behind me.

My best image of the female.

Male Gila Woodpecker

Male Gila Woodpecker

Ash-throated Flycatcher in the same dry wash.

More images of Black-tailed Gnatcatcher and Verdin. I think these are my best so far.

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