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Black Hills July 2016
I spent two weeks in the Black Hills, mostly trying to find a nemesis Calliope
Hummingbird for my state life list. No luck with that, but I did get to see the
Black-chinned Hummingbird that Randy Podoll found at Elk Creek, a first record
for the state of South Dakota. Here are a variety of photos from the last two

Face off, Weidemeyer's Admiral and a bee.

Juvenile Townsend's Solitaire

Swainson's Thrush feeding the fledgling below.

More food....Crane Flies

A lifer butterfly, a Striped Hairstreak

This female Ruffed Grouse has a brood of chicks hiding in the grass.
She was very irate at me for being there.

I didn't have much luck photographing it, but here is the Black-chinned
Hummingbird, a first record for South Dakota, found by Randy Podoll at Elk

An Osprey in Hell Canyon. Yep, a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, first one I've
ever seen.

I camped at Hanna Campground a few nights, and the dippers were cooperative at
my campsite #4.

Adult American Dipper with prey.

Juvenile American Dipper