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Hummingbirds in Hell Canyon, July 2012
I spent a week in the canyon, aided by a few hummingbird
feeders to attract these birds.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird

nectaring on wild bergamot or horsemint

female Broad-tailed Hummingbird nectaring

This male like his perch so much, he let me photograph
him with a 100mm macro lens.

Male Rufous Hummingbirds took over all of my feeders,
driving away the broad-tails and other rufous.

The gorget really flamed in the late afternoon sun,
I actually toned down the color and contrast in this photo.

This photo shows the notched R2 typical of rufous and about the
only way to separate a green-backed adult male rufous from male Allen's.
I did see one male rufous with a mostly green back, but couldn't get any photos
of it.
Would have been nice to see what its R2 looked like.