Photos from Sycamore Canyon, AZ
May 4, 2020

Today I made a trip to Sycamore Canyon, off the Ruby Road west of Nogales.
It is a remote area right on the US-Mexico border, the road is OK but
rough, so it takes a long time to drive in but well worth it. Lots of
water in the canyon and very diverse. I would like to spend more time there!

A Claret Cup Cactus, I've been seeing some of these around Madera Canyon
 too but they are always high up on a cliff. Beautiful red flowers.

Red Four O'clock,  Mirabilis coccinea. This flower is in two of my field guides and looks
very different in both. One is bright red and in the other guide it is this color, but the
flowers and leaves match in shape and arrangements.

Graham's Mimosa, Mimosa grahamii.  Notice the two spines on the stem.

The one field guide that shows this plant describes it as uncommon. Certainly the first time I've seen it!
It reminds me of Mimosa nuttallii that grows in the prairies in South Dakota.

 Filigree Skimmer, thanks to Mark Otnes for the ID. I would like a better photo of this dragonfly but they are hard to approach.

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