New Photos from the Ajo Area
March 29, 2020

Today I went down to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument to check
on some plants, especially the Dudleyas, I wanted to see if they
were in flower. They were not, but are getting close.

I don't have an ID for this yet, but it sure is a lovely flower.
UPDATE: Desert Snow, Linanthus demissus.

The Dudleyas are almost ready to bloom, I
hope I can make the trip down again to see it.

A Common Side-blotched Lizard, very common, but I liked the
pose with the lupine leaves in the foreground. It even gave me a catchlight in the eye.

I have lots of photos of cardinals, but couldn't turn down another.

Here's my setup with the C8 and now with the guide scope and autoguider.
The guide scope is a 80mm refractor, 600mm focal length.  Lots of
cables hooking everything together. I should have done this a long time
ago, it works great. This opens up lots of possibilities that I had not
much hope for before.

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