More photos from Cave Creek, Chiricahua Mountains
October 4, 2017

Yarrow's Spiny Lizard, I like this because it was overcast therefore diffuse light.
Usually I get these lizards out in the open in the bright, harsh sunlight,

Chiricahua Fox Squirrel, also known as the Mexican Fox Squirrel.
Perhaps the best photo I have of this species.

This is not a lubber grasshopper, it can fly. When it flies, the wings are bright red.
Unfortunately, I haven't mastered flight shots of grasshoppers yet.
UPDATE: I've learned that about 10% of this species of grasshopper can
fly, therefore some lubbers can fly and this is a Horse Lubber.
I should have recognized it, having seen them in past years in Arizona.

The hummingbirds come in to the feeder almost till dark, so I practice on them
before the bats come out. Here I got a Blue-throated and Rufous in the same frame.

An Eastern Patch-nosed Snake. I've always found Western Patch-nosed before, the Eastern is rarer in Arizona.

One of my better flight shots of a Mexican Long-tongued Bat.

The Ringtail that was raiding my hummingbird feeder.