Ajo, Arizona area
November 17, 2017

NGC 7822, an emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus.
About 2900 light years from earth with a diameter of 300 light years.

Caroline's Rose Cluster, NGC 7789. A large star cluster in Cassiopeia, it was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783
. Her brother, William Herschel, included it his astronomical catalog and named it after her.

I went out another night to different location and got 7 or 8 of these Mexican Agapema Moths. I liked this one because of the smaller moth for size comparison.

One of the Mexican Agapema Moths was flopping around the black light and landed on its back. It looks kind of odd but it was a good photo opportunity. These moths emerge as adults, mate, lay eggs and die. They adults do not feed. The adult phase is pretty short.

A young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the golf course, feeding on palm berries.
These are somewhat rare in Arizona, but a few turn up every year.