Ajo, Arizona area
November 10, 2017

A Vermilion Flycatcher at the golf course, buried in the eucalyptus branches. 

Female Brewer's Blackbird

NGC 891, a galaxy that looks a lot like the Needle Galaxy, but it is much smaller in view.
There are numerous small galaxies scattered around in this image, but most are too small to
see at this resolution. NGC 891 is about 30 million light years distance and is viewed in
the constellation Andromeda.

The Flaming Star Nebula. I have imaged this before but usually without much detail. I was happy to see how this came out. I wish I had shot more exposures now. The atmosphere must have been unusually stable.

By 11 PM, Orion was rising up in the east and I couldn't resist a few shots of the Great Orion Nebula. It was too low on the horizon to hope for anything too good but here it is. The moon came up soon after this so I had to quit.

At the black light. I posted this on BugGuide.net and found out this is a Mesquite Borer.

I also posted this on BugGuide.net, it is a funnel weaver spider, feeding on a moth
that was attracted to the black light. It is classified as a Western
Ageleninae, which includes many species that can't be ID'd to species
without closer examination.

Also posted on BugGuide.net, but I haven't got an ID for it yet. This beetle was tiny.