Photos from the San Diego Bay area
January 25, 2018

A Nazca Booby roosting on a buoy in San Diego Bay

With the rented boat,  I was able to get close enough for frame filling shots, the booby paid no attention to me.

The Red-throated Pipit breeds in far northern Europe and Asia.
Some nest in northern Alaska. It is a long-distance migrant
moving in winter to Africa, southeast Asia and rarely to the
west coast of the United States. Adults in breeding plumage will acquire a red
throat and breast, but this bird only shows a little bit of developing red in the breast.

The striped back and top of the head are good field
marks to separate the species from the American Pipit.

Red-throated Loon, it flushed before I could get shots on the water.

I could get very close to Surf Scoters.