Astrophotography in the Ajo area
January 12, 2018

This is the Fornax Galaxy Cluster. The larger galaxy in the lower right is NGC 1365, also known as the Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, is about 56 million light-years away in the constellation Fornax. This area is very low on the horizon, only about 20 degrees elevation so I didn't expect it to look very good, I was surprised at how well it turned out with only 20 minutes of exposure. I might have to try for more exposure on this sometime.

This one is low on the horizon too, about 25 degrees. NGC 1532 is an edge-on barred spiral galaxy located approximately 50 million light-years from the Solar System in the constellation Eridanus. NGC 1532 is interacting
with another smaller galaxy (just above it) causing the outflows from the galaxies, one can barely see them.
This is another one I would like to get more exposure on, the image above is about 1/2 hour.

 NGC 3184 is a spiral galaxy approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.
The bright star at the bottom is Tania Australis, in Ursa Major.

1.5 hours now on the Jellyfish Nebula.

A tigher crop on the brightest area of the nebula, showing more detail.