Photo of the Orion Nebula taken
November 12, 2016

A little more information: Tracked with an Astrotrac, Canon 500 mm f4 lens, Canon 7D Mark II H-alpha modified, shooting at ISO 800 @ f4, 29 one minute exposures and twenty 10 second exposures, aligned in Images Plus and stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, processed in Images Plus and Photoshop CS4.

One thing about astrophography is no one knows what this should look like, we can just pick what we think it should look like, based on what the camera delivers.

I tried stacking two finished images, the one minute exposures and the 10 second exposures, to bring out more detail in the core. I think I lost detail overall.

This is a stack of the one minute exposures and reduced saturation of colors. My favorite, it shows lots of detail.

Too much blue and red, I think.