More Astrophotography in the Slim Buttes
June 25, 2017

I've been trying to resist doing the Great Andromeda Galaxy again.
But last night, I had to try it, so I took 24 sixty second images and stacked them.

I also took more images of the Eagle Nebula and added them to the ones I took a few nights ago. This one is hard at my current location as the trees block the view part of the time. I have to catch it as it moves between the trees.

The Dumbbell  Nebula, M 27. I did this last year, before I had a modded camera. I also tried it at 700mm then, but I have better results at 500mm and then just cropping. A white dwarf star is the central star of this planetary nebula.

A new one, Barnard's Galaxy. This is a tiny companion galaxy to our galaxy.
A small galaxy, it is only about 7000 light years in diameter.
The bright blue sphere at left center is the Little Gem Nebula, NGC 6818, a planetary nebula.
 It is very small in view and only about .5 light year in diameter.